Postgraduaat unmanned aircraft systems
A practice-oriented postgraduate program in which you learn to operate, design, build, and maintain drones.
- Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 945C, Oostende
- 30 credits
- 240u
3.000 EUR(VAT free)
In this hands-on course, you will explore the wide applicability of drones in sectors such as agriculture, security and events. You will learn directly from the research results of the DroneLab, our specialized center of expertise.
Experienced lecturers from the field will provide practical training to prepare you for careers in this industry.
Upon successfully completing the postgraduate program, you will receive a postgraduate certificate, in accordance with the Codex Higher Education, codified on October 11, 2013. This diploma qualifies to become a drone pilot, drone constructor or safety coordinator. You will also receive a certificate that allows you to take exams at the FPS Mobility / Directorate General of Aviation for PPL and drone license.
If you choose to take a separate module of the program, you will receive a certificate for that module.
- Newly graduated bachelor’s degree holders
- Anyone interested in exploring the world of drones, either professionally or as a hobby
- Become employable in the field from as a drone pilot, drone instructor or safety coordinator.
- Obtain the postgraduate certificate.
- Obtain the certificate that allows you to take exams at the FPS Mobility / Directorate General of Aviation for PPL and drone license.
- Higher diploma (bachelor's or master's) or equivalent through experience.
- You have sufficient technical knowledge.
- This program is taught in English. Therefore, a good knowledge of English is a must.
Fundamentals of flight
8 credits
Drone technology
8 credits
Flight training
6 credits
Drone applications
4 credits
Business project
4 credits
Why choose a training course 'Postgraduaat unmanned aircraft systems' at VIVES Continue
Small class size
We laten bewust slechts een beperkt aantal cursisten toe. Dit om een goede interactie tussen de docent en de cursisten te garanderen. Het uitwisselen van ervaringen en best practices onderling zorgt voor een grote meerwaarde.
Leave of absence possible
De opleiding is erkend in het kader van Vlaams opleidingsverlof.
Deze opleiding is nog meer praktijk gericht. Je oefent de competenties tijdens de sessies. Je gaat dus actief aan de slag.
Via deze opleiding verdiep je je in een specialisatie binnen je vakdomein. Komt tegemoet aan wie als specialist actueel wil blijven of zich nog dieper wil bekwamen.
The success story of Simon Spruytte
“Hands-on oefeningen en voldoende theoretische kennis”
Als landmeter maak ik regelmatig gebruik van drones om moeilijk bereikbare plaatsen op te meten. Dankzij het postgraduaat Unmanned Aircraft Systems ben ik mee met de nieuwste trends en technologie. De lessen worden gevarieerd aangepakt. We kregen zowel hands on oefeningen als voldoende theoretische kennis.